Monday, December 19, 2011

i'm back!

It's been over a year since I was last on here.. the time has gone by so fast! Since last year I've finally found an amazing church who is like my second family! God has done so much in my life and has given me a whole new perspective on life! Can't wait to start sharing my testimonies!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So today has opened so many opportunities for me and i just can't believe how it all happened so quickly! Every person you meet, you meet for a reason, and everything you do is because it is what your supposed to be doing.. when you have that "gut" instict to do something.. DO IT!!! always pay attention because you never know when your door for success has finally opened unless you take the risk! Today showed me if your saving money for something you want or need keep saving but if you dont know why your saving pamper yourself. Get your nails done, get your hair done, or a massage, or spend money on your interests but the key is to spend becuase that is what will stimulate this economy.. do not waste your money put it to use.. when used wisely it will come back.. and much more than you expected!!! I dediate this post to my Fate and Faith.. follow your heart and be a passionate follower!

Boutique Day!!

Okay LADIES!!!! im having a fun filled day of beauty and jewlery at my house!! its this saturday November 13th Its going to be a day dedicated to pampering and feeling beautiful it starts at 3 and ends when you feel AMAZING!! please call me if you even think you might be able to make it so i have enough gifts for!! and if you are interested in SELLING YOUR PRODUCTS please message me for info!!!!

I am looking for those selling candles, purses, etc!!! I will be offering a free service such as an eyebrow, or lip wax and also a haircut... this is the season for giving.. and i would like to dedicate this event to women with cancer to celebrate their strength.. so please support this event!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Trying to find my way....

Day by day is how we all live no matter how we look at it. But planning for the future is way harder then planning my day.. and what if what i plan isnt whats best? My main goal right now is trying to find the best make up school for me to go to in California.. i'm not ready to move out of state yet.. i'm not even ready to leave the nest! But should i be pushing myself to? should i be living life to the fullest? i mean how does one just pick up and move?? i have no idea!!  Life is so confusing.. but we should be passionate about life right? and that means doing what we love and are most passionate about? my answer is yes it should.. i am very passionate about my career in make up and i have realized that money isnt even a thought when it comes to doing what i love.. if i can make it happen i am.. and whoever stands by my side it wont be easy but i know it'll be worth it.. to make it.